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About me according to ChatGPT:

Páll Ivan frá Eiðum is a multifaceted Icelandic artist known for his unique approach to both visual arts and music. He was born in Croatia but grew up in the rural area of Eiðar in east Iceland, which influences his creative moniker. His artistic output is characterized by a distinctive wit and spans a variety of scales, from life-sized to hand-sized paintings that are available for purchase. Notably, his works are vivid and colorful, reflecting a playful and imaginative spirit【28†source】【29†source】.


In addition to his visual art, Páll Ivan has an extensive background in music. He studied music and music technology at the King Edward VI Community College in Devon, England, from 1998 to 2000 and obtained his BA in composition from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2006. He is recognized for his eccentric presence in Iceland's music scene, with a style that merges elements of retro acid-pop and sounds that one might associate with a parallel universe or computer game music【30†source】【31†source】.

Páll Ivan is not just limited to Iceland in terms of his influence; his works have been performed in various locations across Europe and the United States, at notable events like the Reykjavík Arts festival, Nordic music days, and Dark music days, showcasing his international reach and the versatile appeal of his artistic and musical creations【32†source】.

Another version from ChatGPT:

Páll Ivan frá Eiðum is an Icelandic/Croatian artist and musician, born in 1981. He studied composition at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, where he developed a unique approach that blends music, visual arts, and performance. Páll Ivan is known for his experimental style, which often involves the use of self-built electronic instruments and unconventional sounds.


His work spans multiple disciplines, including sound art and visual experiments. His performances are often characterized by their improvisational nature, mixing absurdity and humor with serious explorations of music and composition. 


His post-crisis music, often self-released and experimental, reflects a more instinctive, spontaneous creative process. He became known for creating music that deliberately sidesteps conventional structures, earning him recognition in both Iceland's and the international avant-garde music scene​

Páll Ivan frá Eiðum is the grandson of Ivan Slamnig, a renowned Croatian poet, novelist, and literary critic. Ivan Slamnig was a prominent figure in Croatian literature, known for his contributions to modern poetry and his innovative use of language.

Páll Ivan frá Eiðum lagði stund á nám í tónsmíðum og tónlistartækni í King Edward VI Comunity College í Devon á Bretlandi á árunum 1998-2000 og lauk BA prófi í tónsmíðum frá Listaháskóla Íslands árið 2006 auk þess að eiga ókláraða mastersritgerð í sama skóla.

Tónverk Páls Ivans hafa verið flutt víðsvegar í Evrópu og Bandaríkjunum og Ástralíu, þar á meðal á hátíðum svo sem Listahátíð í Reykjavík(2008,2014), Myrkum músíkdögum, Tectonics(2012, 2013, 2014: verk fyrir Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands) Sláturtíð, RAFLOSTI, Nordic Musicdays, NEXT Festival of Advanced Music in Bratislava, Icelandic Musicdays í Hollandi, Ung Nordisk Musik ofl. Páll Ivan er einn af stofnmeðlimum tónskáldahópsins SLÁTUR.


Páll Ivan hefur átt fjölbreyttan feril sem hljóðfæraleikari, en hann leikur á tölvur, raf- og kontrabassa, píanó, gítara og lúðra hvers konar. Hann hefur leikið inn á fjölda hljómplatna og komið fram með tónlistarmönnum úr mörgum ólíkum áttum, þ.a.m. með Benna Hemm Hemm, Stórsveit Nix Noltes, Borko, Kríu Brekkan, Strigaskór nr. 42, Fengjastrútur, Fred Frith, Sinfóníuhljómsveit Norðurlands, ATÓN, Andrew D ́Angelo, Hestbak, Agli Sæbjörnssyni, Slowblow og Múm. Einnig hefur hann útsett fyrir Lúðrasveit Verkalýðsins og 200.000 Naglbíta.


Auk þess að vera virkur sem tónskáld og flytjandi hefur hann starfað sem tónlistarkennari og hefur kennt á ólíkustu hljóðfæri í gegnum tíðina.

Af öðrum verkefnum sem Páll Ivan hefur komið að mætti helst nefna tónlist fyrir leikhús í Hafnafjarðarleikhúsinu og Borgarleikhúsinu og útvarpsmennska á Rás 1, sem umsjónarmaður Hlaupanótunnar og sat í stjórn listahátíðarinnar SEQUENCES.

Síðan 2012 hefur Páll Ivan átt blómlegan feril sem myndlistarmaður og stefnir á alheimssigra á því sviði.

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